A new year and time to take back your health, with a safe and effective natural detox program. The emphasis is on safe and effective, as many so called detox program out on the market simple ‘stress’ the body and do little to improve the effectiveness of our body’s natural biochemical pathways to detox toxins from the body. A detox program needs to work WITH your body not against it.
What’s The Deal With Detox?
Are you feeling fatigued, hormonal or overweight?
Do you frequently experience digestive symptoms such as constipation, wind or bloating, or are you in pain?
A detox program may just be the answer!
Supporting detoxification can have the following benefits;
-increase your energy,
-improve digestion,
-aid weight loss,
-reduce pain,
-balance hormones and
-support a healthy mood.
A Practitioner prescribed detoxification program can be a catalyst to take you from feeling lifeless to incredible, and improve your health in ways you never thought possible.
Where Do Toxins Come From?
Your body is exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Toxins can have the potential to damage cells and contribute to ageing and disease. Toxins are naturally produced in your body, and through dietary and environmental influences, such as certain jobs, alcohol, and other pollutants. If you are a hairdresser, plumber, builder, mine worker or work near or on roads, your risk for toxin exposure is increased and makes detoxification even more important. Nevertheless, everyone can benefit from a detox.
Toxins…A Balancing Act
Improving your body’s natural detoxification pathways is the goal of any detox program. While toxin exposure cannot be avoided, it is possible to improve your ability to cope with and eradicate toxins efficiently. By completing a detox, you effectively reduce your toxin burden. You improve your ability to process and eliminate toxins from your body (known as toxin resistance) for improved health…so what are you waiting for?

A Practitioner Only Detox Is Best
With so many detox products and programs on the market it’s difficult to chose. By talking to your Practitioner about your individual needs about whether a detox is indicated for you, and which program is most appropriate for your needs;
The Health Reset Program is suitable for most individuals. It helps to optimise your detoxification capacity, supporting your overall health, and keeping you feeling energised.
The Gut Pathogen Elimination Program; this program is particularly helpful for people with persistent gut conditions, helping to reduce digestive symptoms such as pain, bloating and wind for a happier digestive system.
The Liver Chemical Clearance Program is ideal for those with known exposure to chemicals and heavy metals. It enhances the elimination of these toxins to leave you feeling regenerated and vibrant.
Work with your practitioner
It is always advisable to work with your practitioner during a detox program, no one program is right for everyone. Different herbal and supplementation detox via different pathways in the body. A practitioner can check which of these products are best for your individual needs. You should never feel sick or unwell on a detox, it is a common myth that you have to feel worse before you improve on a detox.
Contact Tracey today and ask about her detox specials for January