
Over 35 years of experience as a qualified practitioner.

What Is Iridology

Your eyes are not just windows to your soul but also mirrors reflecting the story of your health

Seeing an iridologist isn’t merely about examining your eyes; it’s a deep dive into your overall health and well-being, all in a natural and comprehensive way.

Iridology serves as a tool that natural therapy practitioners utilize to assess general health and well-being. It doesn’t function as a diagnostic tool for specific diseases, but rather as an indicator of tendencies toward certain health imbalances and suggests which health program might suit your individual needs best.

Iridologists believe that the iris is a reflection of the entire body and that it contains information about a person’s physical, emotional, and even spiritual state. They examine the iris to identify irregularities, patterns, colors, and other characteristics that can provide crucial insights into a person’s health.

How can seeing an Iridologist for an iris diagnosis help me?

Personalized Approach: Iridologists don’t do one-size-fits-all. They tailor their recommendations to your unique health needs. It’s like a health plan just for you.
Complementary Care: Iridology can work hand-in-hand with conventional medicine. It’s not an “either-or” situation; it’s about enhancing your overall health strategy.

Holistic Assessment

Iridologists look at your eyes to get a holistic picture of your health. It’s like a health check-up for your entire body through your eyes.

Natural Insights

Gain an insight into potential underlying health issues. Instead of relying solely on machines or tests, iridology taps into the body’s natural signals. It’s like listening to your body’s own messages.

Mind and Body

It doesn’t just focus on physical symptoms. Emotional and mental factors can show up in your iris too. It’s like addressing both the body and the mind. Iridology is especially good at indicating how stress is impacting your health.

Preventive Care

Iridologists can suggest ways to stay healthy and prevent future issues. It’s like a roadmap to long-term well-being.

Safe and Non-Invasive

No needles, no invasive procedures. Just a close look at your irises. It’s gentle on your body.

Educational Experience

You’ll learn more about your body and how it works. Knowledge is power when it comes to your health.

Lifestyle Guidance

Iridologists often provide advice on lifestyle changes and diet to support your health. Gain an insight into which dietary approach is best suited to your individualised system.

Natural Healing

The remedies they suggest are often natural, like herbs or lifestyle adjustments. It’s about harnessing nature’s healing power.

What To Expect During Your consultation?

Preliminary Preparation:

Before your visit, Tracey will ask you to complete a comprehensive health questionnaire.
For online consultations, photos of your eyes may be requested for iridology assessment. For face to face appointment Tracey will take your iris photos are part of the consultation

Dedicated Time and Personalized Approach:

Your initial consultation spans at least 60 minutes, ensuring ample time for discussion.
Your health objectives will be explored, and underlying factors contributing to your condition will be examined.
An individualized health program tailored precisely to your needs will be developed by Tracey.

Post-Consultation Guidance:

After the session, you will receive a written direction sheet, usually 1-2 pages long.
This document outlines your customized health program along with detailed instructions.
Ongoing communication is encouraged via email to track your progress between appointments.

What Iridology is not…

It’s essential to understand that iridology is not a standalone diagnostic tool, nor is it recognized as a medical practice in many countries. Instead, it’s typically used as a complementary approach alongside conventional medical care. If you’re considering iridology, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified naturopathic practitioner who can integrate iridological insights into a broader holistic health plan.

Iridology gives a glimpse into your health

Iridology is a captivating method that allows you to glimpse into the intricate tapestry of your health. It offers a unique perspective on how your body functions and how it may be out of balance. From a naturopathic standpoint, it can serve as a valuable compass on your journey to better health and wellbeing.

Remember, your eyes are not just windows to your soul but also mirrors reflecting the story of your health. By embracing the art and science of iridology, you can embark on a path of holistic healing, where the past, present, and future of your health converge in the colorful patterns of your irises.