The sudden changes to our world and daily life’s due to COVID-19 creates a high degree of stress mentally, emotionally and physically. Uncertainty and worry about the future is now part of most people’s thoughts.

Utmost is keeping your immune system strong. High levels of stress, anxiety and worry can have impacts on your immunity. Taking positive steps to manage your stress & anxiety can have a flow on effect to other areas. Positive stress management improves your general wellbeing, health and immunity.

If you feel you are not coping please reach out to the many support services on offer here in Australia, talk to your doctor &/or psychologist (Australia now has online medical services for both).

Natural therapies can also be part of that help. Below is my article on how naturopathic medicine can help manage stress.

My clinic has now moved fully online and offers Skype, FaceTime & Zoom consultations.

If you have a quick question about anything naturopathic please feel free to email or message me. I’ll gladly help in whatever way I can.


Tracey Lee Morley

Summary Quick Naturopathic Tips to manage COVID-19 Stress

    Eat well, eat whole foods & follow Tracey’s ‘Wellness Diet’
    Avoid processed foods especially high sugar & saturated fats.
    Exercise daily
    Mindfulness breathing exercises or meditation daily.

Safe naturopathic medicines for most people & children to help reduce anxiety include;

    Passionflower &/or Chamomile (either as herbal teas or stronger herbal tinctures)
    Australian Bush essence Emergency essence or Bach flowers Rescue Remedy
    Tissue salts Kali phos 6x & Mag phos 6x
    Magnesium and Vitamin B complex supplement

Some people may require other herbs for stress and anxiety, remember always discuss any medicines you are taking with your health care provider. Naturopathic medicine works best if you consult a qualified practitioner.

For more details on naturopathic medicine for managing stress please see my article here

Stay Safe

Tracey Lee Morley