Helpful and interesting articles.

Latest update on Gut-Brain axis live on Facebook

The Gut-Brain axis simply means how the health of the gut microflora can influence brain function. Scientific research into how the gut is influencing the brain is a rapidly evolving and exciting area of science. On the 29th March, Bioconcepts is streaming live a free...

Iridology Online Assessments

Iridology Online Assessments

What is iridology and how can it help me? An iridologist studied the coloured part of your eye (called the iris), it’s structure and markings and relates these to your health and wellness. The colour, pattern, and location of markings in the iris can indicate inherent...

British Medical Journal questions the critics of homoeopathy

In recent years there appears to be a tide of criticism against homoeopathy as an effective complementary medicine. It appears to have fallen out of favour. This fall and rise of homoeopathy has happened throughout homoeopathy’s history. The British Medical Journal...

The Classics – Homoeopathic Books to download

The Classics – Homoeopathic Books to download

Resources for Homoeopaths If you are a homoeopathic student or practitioner having a wide variety of references books is an important tool for your practice. Purchasing these books can be expensive, but now you can download many of the great classic books for free....

Anise Hyssop

Anise Hyssop

Summary Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) is a bee loving perennial. It produces a lovely lavender blue flowers and grows to 90cm. The herbal tea made from anise hyssop produces a pleasant aniseed or Licorice mint like taste. Bee loving plant & flower The bees...

How to Use & Make Comfrey Cream

How to Use & Make Comfrey Cream

Uses of Comfrey Comfrey is externally used for injury and muscle pain. Picture of our comfrey (Symphytum officinale) in bloom. Comfrey is one of the easiest plants to grow even if it is neglected. It will grow in a wide variety of soils and conditions. Once...

Just One Drop Sydney Premiere 26th July is SOLD OUT!

Finally, some positive news about homoeopathy. A new film "Just One Drop"has just been released  around the world including Australia. The Sydney Premiere on the 26th July  is sold out,  for other screenings in Australia click here Take a look at the offical trailer...

5 Tips & Foods to Boost Immunity

Here are some tipsand foods to help  you ward off those nasty colds and flu this winter. Everyone is exposed to viruses everyday, help your body fight them off naturally. Foods to fight Colds and Flu Garlic has a variety of beneficial effects on the immune system. It...

Iron; How to boost your iron levels

Iron; How to boost your iron levels

Low iron levels can be overlooked as one of the leading causes of fatigue. Iron is one of the most important nutrients for maintains good energy levels and a strong immune system. The more at risk group of low iron levels include teenagers, the elderly, pregnant...